Anecdotes of a Dreamer

Albert Einstein was a frickin genius! That whole time- relativity thing really rocks! When you are five years old, a day is a lifetime. When you get to be fifty seven, time flies. When I am focused, time expands and good things happen. When left to my own devices, time compresses and shit happens. I have the gift of time. With this gift, I would like to share my insights for survival while keeping my idealism intact. Some are fiction and some fact. Somewhere, its all true.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Are the Ten Commandments relevant to a global society?

If you live in the United States, you are probably aware that fundamentalist Christians feel that they are being repressed by the concept of the separation of Church and State. Many believe it is acceptable and in fact their duty to display the symbols of their faith for everyone to see and follow. Of course, we live in a multicultural and multiethnic society that is diverse in beliefs and practices. If I were to engage in a discussion of the Ten Commandments (Decalog) as presented in the Old Testament, this post could be many thousands of words long. If you want to read a discussion of the Decalog, see .
This site presents discussions from many points of view.

From my own personal perspective, I believe that some of the traditional Ten Commandments are irrelevant, discriminatory, exclusive and unjust. I know that many Christians will be shouting "Blasphemy" or "Heresy!" If you are a fundamental literalist, so be it. No amount of discussion or reasoning will change your mind. If you are more open minded, you might allow modern interpretations that are more relevant to our world. Again, I refer you to the website above for a full discussion of the many interpretations of the Ten Cs.

Back to my original thought. If we were to create a modern code to live by, what should it be?

Here are some thoughts:

First, do no harm. This is borrowed from the Hippocratic Oath. It is a very broad statement that covers everything from personal relationships to the environment.

Second, respect yourself and others.

Third, be tolerant of people who are different than you.

Fourth, be intolerant of injustice and cruelty.

Fifth, love the one you're with. (Thank you Steven Stills)

Sixth, take responsibility for your actions.

Seventh, use the gifts that were born with.

Eighth, seek a higher purpose.

Ninth, share with others.

Tenth, leave the world a better place than when you arrived.

It's all good!

Change the order. Add other thoughts. Give your opinion.



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